
Karl Mandler

As a socialist in the Nazi police
Ruth Deutschmann
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicolse D ´Incecco
And I was released from prison, will also tell the reason - reason was my very pregnant wife. And error, because the register of the police in Salzburg was not right, was left Mandler obligor of the police service. I - a leftist! At the Fortress, we have been trained. But I was a man who could never shut up. You know, I've helped everyone, the injustice has been done, even then the police. I am there, nothing happens, because I had a sergeant, a Viennese who had understood me and has even helped me that someone else happens no more of a German officer. Suddenly, overnight, I was being transferred to Poland. Half-formed! I asked the major in the police headquarters in Salzburg: "Whoever comes to me?" "No! You go alone to Poland." So, now I was of course already become suspicious. They probably have found who I really am, and have their index corrected. But they did at least once sent away to foreign countries. Three men were from our company in Salzburg, who went to the Major and said: "Major, send 'S me to Poland." For it has given increased financial compensation. So foreign allowance or war you have the time already mentioned, much more than here in Salzburg in the Fortress Hohensalzburg. But .. no. And only the third person has this major verredet - verredet literally. He told him how he did that to me then said: "The Mandler is only to Poland, which will look at this once myself, it him right." So I am alone to Poland.